Yüzyüze Görüşmeler

Face to Face Interviews

We try to obtain the most detailed and comprehensive data in face-to-face interviews, which we carry out in the form of surveys or interviews with people in the target group suitable for the needs of our customers, at home, in the workplace or on the street.

CATI – Bilgisayar Destekli Telefon Görüşmeleri

CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Calls

CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing) is a modern method developed to collect fast and reliable data in your research.

Anket Tasarımı

Survey Design

Your survey form to be used in the field application is designed in a clear and understandable way, in accordance with your target audience and the criteria of the study, to have the highest response rate.

Online Görüşmeler

Online Interviews

Thanks to the developing technology, we are mostly doing our surveys online with a tablet computer. In this way, we can transfer the answers received from the subjects to the database online, get instant data, analyze and report.  

Veri Analizi ve Raporlama

Data Analysis and Reporting

The data collected through researches are analyzed using appropriate data analysis methods through appropriate statistical programs after their entries are made. Analysis results are reported to our customers with professional graphical reporting software.

Eğitim ve Çalıştaylar

Training and Workshops

Thanks to our Basic and Advanced SPSS trainings for academics, students and employees, and our Biostatistics trainings for healthcare professionals, we take your skills to the highest level by increasing your basic and advanced statistical literacy. Click here for detailed information and training programs.

Şirketler için Müşteri Memnuniyeti Ölçümleme Yöntemleri ve Önemi

Customer Satisfaction Measurement Methods and Their Importance for Companies

Customer satisfaction is one of the cornerstones of a business's long-term success. Customers do not only expect quality products or services; they also want to feel valued and their needs met. Therefore, it is important to measure customer satisfaction correctly and analyze these measurements to develop a strategy.

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Kentin Nabzı Araştırmaları®

City Pulse Research®

City Pulse Research is a comprehensive research method that measures the demands, expectations and general satisfaction levels of people living in cities and provides social feedback to municipalities. These researches help city administrations understand how well they respond to the needs of city residents and, in this direction, become more effective.

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Marka Bilinirlik Araştırmaları: Gücünüzü Keşfedin, İz Bırakın!

Brand Awareness Research: Discover Your Power, Leave a Mark!

Brand awareness research is an important tool that reveals the strength of your business and allows you to gain a valuable place in the minds of consumers. It allows you to understand how your customers perceive you, how well-known your brand is, and what you need to do to increase customer loyalty. The foundation of a good brand is awareness

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Tanınmış Marka Araştırmaları

Well-known Brand Research

Every business wants to increase brand awareness and gain a competitive advantage. If your brand is known at the local level and you want to get an official registration as a "well-known trademark" from the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, you are in the right place. Here's how to seize the opportunity to protect and recognize the value of your brand:

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Ticaret Odası Üyelerimize Özel %40 İndirim!

Sizlere heyecan verici bir haberimiz var! Ticaret odası üyelerine özel bir kampanya başlatıyoruz. Artık ticaret odası üyeleri, piyasa araştırmaları ve marka bilinirlik araştırmaları için %40 indirimden yararlanabilecekler. Firmamız, müşterilerimize en kaliteli hizmeti sunmayı ve işletmelerinin başarısına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu

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Marka Bilinirlik Araştırmaları ve İşletmeler İçin Önemi

Brand Awareness Research and Its Importance for Businesses

Brand awareness is a measure of how well a brand is known and remembered by its target audience. In today's competitive market, creating and increasing brand awareness is one of the most effective ways to expand your customer base. However, marketing campaigns alone are not enough to ensure and maintain awareness.

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BAP (Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri) ve Tübitak

BAP (Scientific Research Projects) and Tübitak

Armada Research has 10 years of experience and knowledge in survey questionnaire design, field application, statistical analyzes and reporting studies that academicians need in scientific research projects. Our company, Scientific Research Projects carried out by university faculty members and the survey conducted within the scope of Tübitak.

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Yerel Seçimlere Doğru: Vatandaş Memnuniyeti ve Hizmet Ölçümü Araştırmaları

Towards Local Elections: Citizen Satisfaction and Service Measurement Studies

Local elections to be held in 2024 are of great importance for the determination of local governments in Turkey. As a result of the election, the mayor, the mayor of the metropolitan municipality, the member of the city council, the members of the provincial council, the headmen and the council of elders will be determined. For this reason, local governments must meet the expectations and needs of citizens.

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Yerel Seçimlerde Adaylık İçin Doğru Adımlar: Popülerliğinizi ve Halk Desteğinizi Ölçün

The Right Steps for Candidacy in Local Elections: Measure Your Popularity and Public Support

Do you want to be a candidate in the upcoming local elections and aim to run a successful campaign? Then you are in the right place! As a professional research firm, we are here to facilitate an important step for you. Measuring your popularity among party members and your public response

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It is important to stand out and make a difference for the continuity of your business in market conditions where competition is intense. In order to be ahead of your competitors, you should know everything about your industry and be able to develop a strategy accordingly.
