Public Institutions and Private Sector: We are your most reliable business partner where you can get fast, reliable and effective service at every stage of your projects with our statistical solutions that can meet the needs of all organizations operating in the public and private sectors.

We perform the survey form preparation, statistical analysis, interpretation of the results and reporting services required by your institution, with our expert staff at the doctoral level, completely in scientific standards.

Academics and Students: We are the closest collaborator of academicians, master's and doctoral students, research assistants and independent researchers in survey form design, SPSS data entry, field studies, data analysis studies and dissertations. Working together, we can make things easier so you can spend more time on yourself or other work.

By conducting your studies with correct, reliable, scientific methods and correct statistical analysis techniques with our experienced expert staff, you will not lose time in your thesis and projects and you will get fast results.


Questionnaire Design – Analysis and Interpretation

Designing a questionnaire for each subject.
Data coding and entry into statistical package program.
Analysis of data in statistical package programs.
Interpretation of results and reporting.


Internal Consistency and Reliability Analysis
Structural Equation Models (SEM) Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis
Chi-Square Tests
Log-Linear Analysis
Correspondence Analysis
Explanatory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Discriminant Analysis
Logistic Regression
Variance Analysis
Econometric Analysis
Non Parametric Analysis
Hypothesis Tests
Service Quality Measurement
